Primary Elections are Important
Only about 10% of the electorate voted in the 2014 primaries.

The 10% made it legal for politicians to cut reimbursement to health care providers about $600 million. According to the Arizona Hospital Association providers already only get 70 cents for every dollar spent and many are running in the red. Will there be providers available to care for old people like me?

For almost 40 years I contributed to the Arizona State Retirement Fund, Social Security and TSAs. College and university administrators want to use money people like me paid into retirement plans to pay current operating expenses. The Arizona State Retirement fund has more than $38 billion in cash reserves. How long will that last if income quits flowing in to replace payments flowing out?

The 10% made it legal for politicians to give themselves and their friends more than a billion dollars in new tax cuts even though our economy just enjoyed one of the best recoveries in history, the stock market is at an all-time high and labor is at “full-employment”. When maximization of personal wealth is what’s worshiped there’s no upward limit to what the 10% will consider enough.

What I remember from the last election is more than 40% of the persons to whom Governor Ducey sold Cold Stone franchises went bankrupt as he became wealthy.

Sure hope old voters vote in the 2016 primaries.

